Surprising Conditions That Can Be Treated By an Urgent Care Doctor
There's nothing more important than being able to find the medical treatment you need when…
3 Benefits of Seeking Professional Treatment for Alcohol Issues
Addiction to alcohol is the number one drug problem in the entire United States. Because…
3 Questions to Ask Your Pain Management Doctor
Dealing with acute or chronic pain can put the rest of your life on hold.…
How to Talk to Your Family Doctor About Depression
Talking about depression is never easy, but it is perhaps the single most important step…
How Telemedicine is Changing the Medical Landscape for Patients Suffering From Opioid Addiction
In the late 1990s, healthcare providers began to prescribe opioid pain relievers at greater rates…
FAQ: How Do Rapid Detox Centers for Opioids Work?
There's a saying in many 12 Step groups, "Jails. Institutions. Or death." That is where…
How Telemedicine Can Be Used to Better Treat Substance Use Disorders
Modern technology has done wonders for connecting people around the globe, but its potential benefits…
When You Should Talk to a Detox Doctor About Drugs or Alcohol
Making the decision to get clean after struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs…
4 Important Advantages of Suboxone Treatment For Opioid Addiction
Opioid addiction poses a significant worldwide problem. The World Health Organization estimates that 15 million…
What You Need to Know About Zika in Florida
According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control, there have been 558…
When to See a Pain Management Specialist
Chronic pain is an all too common affliction in the United States. One in four…
Three Common Causes of Insomnia
Insomnia affects nearly 60 million people in the U.S. each year, and scientists still disagree…