Overcoming addiction is never easy, and many people hesitate to seek help. Whether due to…
Getting Clean: The Detox Process

The opiate epidemic in America is out of control. A new news story comes out every day about a local overdose from heroin or prescription pain medication. In fact, four out of five new heroin users got hooked on opiates due to prescription painkiller use or abuse. The fact that so many people have incredibly easy access to these drugs is horrible, but that will not change overnight. What can change overnight is your use of opiates.
You have the power to change your behavior. While addiction is horrible and monumentally difficult to overcome, you do have the ability to defeat it. This will not be easy. It will be hard, very hard even, but you must remember that you have a choice.
Here is how the detox process works. First, you need to decide if you will be getting clean as an inpatient in a group detox program, or if you are going to be an outpatient. Professionals caution outpatient programs because one of the most crucial aspects of inpatient programs is the community of like-minded people trying to get clean. If, and only if, you feel like you have a sufficient support system at home should you go through the detox process as an outpatient.
The second step is cutting yourself off from heroin. Getting clean will be painful, but the brunt of it will be felt for only a short amount of time. Once you stop using, withdrawal symptoms will start presenting later the same day. Nausea, sweating, paranoia, vomiting, fever, aches, and cramps are some of the most common withdrawal symptoms. Detox programs will provide non-opioid medication to mitigate the pain, but be prepared for it to be rough. That said, it’s only temporary.
Most of the worst symptoms will stop presenting within three days. This is when your journey begins. You are clean, and it is time to stay that way. Depending on the program, certain less addictive opioid agonist medication will be available. Talk to your doctor about the cost of suboxone treatment to help continue your sobriety. If you and your support community are confident that you will not use heroin after you’ve been through the detox process, ask your doctor about using any prescription treatment to further your sobriety.
If you want to begin the detox process and get on the road toward sobriety, contact a detox doctor in Fort Lauderdale today. It is your choice, and you can beat this addiction.