Alcohol and mental health are closely connected, with a strong link between alcohol misuse and…
Do I Have Insomnia? The Top 3 Symptoms to Watch For

Insomnia, which is a sleep disorder that either makes it hard for you to fall asleep or to stay asleep for the recommended length of time, is rather common. All the same, you need not diagnose yourself as suffering from insomnia based on just a few sleepless nights. Read on to see three of the symptoms that may point toward insomnia so you can take action as soon as possible and improve both your physical and mental health.
1. Difficulties With Falling Asleep at Night
If you have a problem with falling asleep a majority of nights and it’s something that has persisted for a long time, you may be suffering from insomnia. While it’s common to be unable to fall asleep for one or two nights, especially before or after a serious event, this should not be a common occurrence. For the sake of your mental health, you need to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep when you get into bed.
2. Feeling Sleepy and Tired During the Day
If you feel tired and sleepy during the day even after a full night’s sleep, it’s possible that you have insomnia. This is because sleep should be a period of total rest and relaxation. If you’re ending up tired and fatigued even after staying in bed for the recommended length of time, this is a clear sign that you’re not resting when you sleep. To avoid the other issues that may follow failure to sleep well through the night for a long time, it’s a good idea to seek professional help.
3. Anxiety and Irritability
The third potential sign that could point towards insomnia is feeling anxious and irritable throughout the time you’re awake. This is a direct result of your mental health suffering from a lack of rest. You will notice that you stay in a better mood when you sleep well and rest fully, waking up ready to take on the new day.
Always talk to a professional before taking any medication, especially that which contains opioids. According to American Addiction Centers, short-acting opioids have withdrawal symptoms that normally peak within one to three days. They decrease over the course of a week, while chronic symptoms like dysphoria, insomnia, and anxiety may last for weeks or even months after withdrawal. Give us a call and we can help you map out a solution for your insomnia!