4 Reasons You Might Go to a Walk in Clinic this Spring
Nobody wants to look up local walk in clinics in their spare time. It usually…
What Options Are Available To Treat My Child’s ADHD?
Attention deficit disorders such as ADD and ADHD affect an estimated 11% of all U.S.…
All About Addiction and Steps for Treating It
When ranking deadly diseases in the United States, alcoholism is number three. Along with this,…
What Is The Difference Between Osteopathic And Traditional Doctors?
The study of medicine has been around for centuries. It has led to invaluable scientific…
The Dangers Of Detox: Why You Shouldn’t Detox On Your Own
As you've probably seen on a number of news channels and stations, this country is…
Family Medicine And Internal Medicine: What Is The Difference?
Medicine is a complex industry. If you're a practicing physician, there are dozens of fields…
Recovering From Opioid Addictions: What You Should Look For In A Detox Doctor
In 2015, it was discovered that a startling 2 million people were suffering from opioid…
The Cost Of Addiction: A Look At Opioid Treatment Expenses
Addiction is a devastating disease, affecting far more than just those at its epicenter. From…
Alcohol Use Disorder And Coming Clean: What To Know About Detox And Rehab
Dealing with addiction to alcohol can be extremely difficult on your own. From debilitating withdrawal…
Changing The Body To Change The Mind: 3 Alcoholism Medications Explained
Alcoholism continues to be a problem in America, with around 8.1 million people struggling with…
2 Reasons Why You Should Forgo Home Detox And Seek Out The Professionals
Addiction is a terrifying experience. Once you're able to pull yourself through the denial stages…
How To Resist Temptation During The Summer
Summer is notorious for parties. Between the holidays, heat, and longer days, it seems like…